Sunday, August 26, 2012

My New Family Search

#23. Do Genealogy:
Let me first say, I love my sister. We felt we needed to buckle down on our genealogy. With that in mind, we made every point to make it to the stake center while she was here for two weeks. It's funny how God starts preparing you a way when the time is right. My dad was able to go with us and help us by calling family member's or by remembering details from the past.

#25. Temple Attendance:
On the last Friday she was in town, my sister, dad and I were able to baptize all these names and do many other temple ordinances. What a great experience to be able to share these blessings together. I am so truly grateful for our gospel and the importance of family. It is such a tremendous blessing to know what happens to us on our next journey in the eternities. I am so thankful to know that my dad will still be able to play such an important part in our life even from the other side.

I can't wait to do more work!

Czech Plum Dumplings

One of my family heritage (Czech) foods is plum dumplings. We can only make them once a year when the small plums are in season. While my sister was in town, we decided to try it to make it ourselves for the first time. We also wanted our Dad to be able to have the recipe one last time. Unlike years previously, we also needed to expand on the original recipe due to food allergy my sister and I's needs. So we sorta embarked on a new tradition. Here goes:

Our list of ingredients
Boil 8 medium sized potatoes
Take off skin while hot
Mush potatoes add flour, breadcrumbs, and knead
Wash plums, cut length wise and take out pits
Roll dough out and cut into 4x4 squares
Place plum in center with cut end up
Spoon cinnamon and sugar
Butter everyone needs butter, 1 T. pushed in, pinch dough to close and make dumpling
Drop dumpling in boiling water for 20 min
Place boiled dumplings in baking rectangle
Add extra butter and remaining plums
Sprinkle on remaining cinnamon sugar all over dumplings
Bake an hr on 350
Yummm the final product!

Next year, we are going to try to fry and layer in baking pan. Can't wait for next year!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mexico meets laMadeleine's

#3 - Meatless Dinner:
My sister and I made a meatless dinner tonight. Hence our title Mexico meets laMadeleine's (country french cafe). My sister made this awesome mango salsa and guacamole. I made blackberry muffins. Its was a funny combination, but mmmmm so good.

The ingredients consisted of:
- Mango
- Cantaloupe
- Lime juice
- Yellow Pepper
- Cilantro

Mix All Ingredients
Instead of scooping with Corn Chips we Chose Plantain Chips
Very Yummy 
Next, she made guacamole without onions and garlic for me (she loves me :) ) 

I made fresh blackberry muffins

Oh, my tummy hurts, I ate too much!!!

jam to-morrow and jam yesterday – but never jam to-day

One of my favorite movies when I was young was a TV series that originated from Lewis Carroll's 1871 book, Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There. In the book The White Queen offers Alice "jam every other day" as an inducement to work for her:

"I'm sure I'll take you with pleasure!" the Queen said. "Two pence a week, and jam every other day."

Alice couldn't help laughing, as she said, "I don't want you to hire ME – and I don't care for jam."

"It's very good jam," said the Queen.

 "Well, I don't want any TO-DAY, at any rate."

"You couldn't have it if you DID want it," the Queen said. "The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday      – but never jam to-day."

"It MUST come sometimes to 'jam to-day'," Alice objected.

"No, it can't," said the Queen. "It's jam every OTHER day: to-day isn't any OTHER day, you know."

"I don't understand you," said Alice. "It's dreadfully confusing!"

And then...(my favorite part)...The White Queen (Carol Channing) breaks out into a song, which to this day I still sing.

Isn't this a great song. Who couldn't smile after hearing this catchy tune. This song is what I think about whenever I see or eat jelly. So it wouldn't be right to make freezer jelly without a proper induction of its origins.

Today, my sister and I made our favorite Strawberry Freezer Jelly our Mom use to make for us. IT IS THE BEST!!!

Wash Strawberries and Pull Out Steam
Slice Strawberries
Mush Strawberries
Add Melted Pectin
Scoop into Mason Jars
Let Stand for 24 Hours
After 24 Hours Place in Freezer

Now for my favorite part: EAT and Enjoy

Sunday, August 5, 2012

...ahhh the memories Batman

#20. Make time for friends:

Last night, I had the opportunity to eat dinner over a good friend of mine's house with his family and then go see Batman. You see Mike, wishes in some other life he was Batman. My Father remembers him coming over in his yes, real authentic batman suit. Ahhh the memories.

We met in High school twenty years ago. I can not believe its been that long already. Tech Theater a class that really changed my life. I so glad that class led me to an internship at the Cynthia Woods Pavilion and a year in Branson working three shows running stage lights and many other theater opportunities.

Back to Mike, the minute I sat down one afternoon in the library with him. I could not stop laughing. Life since then has been a thrill from mall trips, spring break in Florida, and 2 am rides to Galveston beach. He even took me to find a job, when my Mother told me not to come home without a job my junior year. The sad part is that day he didn't realize but I got him a job as well at Leeps and Bounds. Later that year he met his wife there, so maybe it ended up good in the end :P. He is a wonderful friend and I hope we never loose touch.

Isn't his family so cute! The oldest female next to Mike on the right is Ashley (she's my God child :)).We made a pack many years ago that when we had kids we would be God parents to each others first born.  He is still waiting for me to keep my end of the deal. One day :).

I am so blessed to welcomed in their family. Thanks Mike!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

What Message Might Those From the World Beyond Send Back to Us?

I just finished a book called, "The Message." It is about a man named Lance, who battles a life and death illness and has the opportunity to see what goes on beyond the veil for a short time. I read the book many years ago, but was happy to be able to reread it again especially, since my Father will be heading that way in a matter of God's time. After pondering several points, a few messages stood out to me: How do deceased family members affect the lives of their descendants (genealogy) and who are your guardian angles.

I know that genealogy is one of the many check off items that we are commanded to fulfill in this life time. I have learned thru the many years of attending church and our prophets’ messages why the importance is placed upon us while we are on this earth. Reading the book has helped reinforce those reasons. The book’s message expresses how when we are on the other side there is order in all things, a plan is already in motion on who greets you when you pass away . The spirits who reside in spirit paradise help those newly entering the veil. Visits with the new spirits are visited by those spirits who knew the person either before their earth life or during their life, while also meeting generations of their family. We can understand from this point that family members through its linage is linked to each family member; it does not matter how long in between each member actually communicated within this life or past or how many generations that individual falls in order on the family tree. Without helping each other (both sides of the veil) neither of us can move forward within God’s plan. "It is the mode of Heaven. We serve them, they serve us." (The Message p.54) How great is it to know we have spirits waiting for us to help to fulfill our work on the other side and to help us guide those we love on this earth.

The second most profound point is the question: what is the role of family on the other side?  Righteous humans die with a purpose to help his/her family on this earth while they are on the other side. Let me clarify, all spirits in spirit paradise help us on earth. But the “The Message,” stresses that many of those who die for instance at a young age or even not have offered their life so that they can better help their family from the other side, in turn if they stayed on this earth they would not be able to give the help that is needed to their loved ones in mortality. ".. many wonderful spirits are being called home now, so that they can better help their families prepare for that which is about to take place in the world. One of the major reasons spirits are called back is to serve those in mortality." (The Message p.86) What a blessing, if you look at it this way. I hope that my Father becomes my little cute niece’s guardian angel. Knowing or just pondering this thought, helps bring so much peace to me, especially when his time on this earth is through. Even though I will miss him, I know she will need him more. How lucky to think that she’s got him.