Monday, November 26, 2012

This one is for you tonight, Heavenly Father

Tonight, as I was reading and studying my scriptures, I came upon a powerful thought after reading these two scriptures, pay special attention to verse 16.

1 Nephi 18: 15-16
15. And it came to pass that we were about to be swallowed up in the depths of the sea. And after we had been driven back upon the waters for the space of four days, my brethren began to see that the judgments of God were upon them, and that they must perish save that they should repent of their iniquities; wherefore, they came unto me, and loosed the bands which were upon my wrists, and behold they had swollen exceedingly; and also mine ankles were much swollen, and great was the soreness thereof.

16. Nevertheless, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions.

I love how the book Verse by Verse The Book of Mormon, Vol. 1,  reflects on Nephi's stance during him and his family's harsh boat trip. "To remain loyal to God, especially through trials clearly not of our own making, and resist the temptations to become bitter over the Lord's nonintervention is the great test and lesson of life-'to serve Him at all hazards,' thus guaranteeing our exaltation."

Not less then an hour ago or even most of the day today I kept saying Heavenly Father give me strength or I was reminded of my blessing that blessed me with tolerance or the primary song 'Happy Family' especially the line "Love at Home," played through my head, I don't know how many times just today. Thank goodness for those primary songs that come to us when we need them most.

Here is a link to the song, Happy Family.

Back to my thinking, as I read the scripture 1 Nephi 16. Hmmm, I personally thought I was doing great by not being bitter but trying to move forward with God's help. I even wrote in my gratitude journal tonight but did I say I was grateful for the trails I had today. Nope, I sure did not. I have to admit though, that I do say that I am grateful for my trails as whole or the big picture when they over, but do I say I am grateful for those small trivial trails I have on a daily basis as I am going through them. Instead of saying give me strength and courage, I should be saying thank you, thank you, thanks for loving me so much that you wanted me to learn these lessons today. 

Another testament to me about how important our scriptures are and what a great tool they are in helping us be more like our brother Christ and our Heavenly Father.

This one is for you tonight  Heavenly Father:
-thank you for my Mother that tries so desperately hard
-thank you for the job we both have 
-thank you for courage to ask for help from the ward
- thank you for a healthy body that I can lift my Father's body
-thank you for the patience you have taught me over the years to feed and clean my Father
- thank you for the energy and a working vehicle to take my mom to her doctor's appt at 7 pm tonight an hour away from our home. 
-thank you for loving me so much, you gave us the word of wisdom to help us stay on track with eating healthy
-thank you for a body that can excerise

Monday, November 12, 2012

The MORE Love I pour into others the more I experience in MY own life

I really am enjoying the book, "Unglued." This is the second time that I have quoted a few of thoughts that are addressed in the book.

I. Biblical procure manual for us all to follow:

  1. Remember who we are(one of my favorite sayings)
  2. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
  3. Stay in the flow-my job is obedience in God's Plan for me only
  4. Shift from an attitude to gratitude
  5. My reactions determine my reach.
- The one I want to dig in deeper with is number two. 
The author tells us a story about how when she comes into stressful situations she tries to just focus on Jesus. 

She quotes 2 Chronicles 20:12, the Story of King Jehoshaphat.
"For we have no power to face his vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.

The author tells of a story where a women in her congregation had just learned her two grandchildren were killed in a fire. This woman fell to the ground and balled and the only thing Lysa the author could do, was pray for her. She noticed every time the word Jesus was said in the prayer, the woman would relax a bit. And how each time the name was said they felt an outpouring of power beyond what they were capable of mustering up on their own. She further talks about how on a daily basis when times are stressful she literally will just say his name out loud over and over and peace will take over her.

So I have decided to try this out. How better to help myself staying focused on our Brother. He is really the one that knows exactly how we are feeling since he felt it himself for us.

II. Are there situations or relationships that feed my insecurities?
Gosh, I really want to befriend everyone. I have run into a situation or two where I have to ask myself (which the author defines simple) does the situation or relationship bring me honor, encouragement and love?

If is ok to walk away. In the end either party will only hurt each other more. If we strive to focus on God's approval only, we will continually stay grounded thereby keeping a sense of peace and happiness within.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Super Saturday

I wanted to still keep a fall theme for our Relief Society Super Saturday, even if sisters were making gifts for Christmas  I have a hard time with the way our society is starting holiday decorations in June and Christmas decorations are out before Halloween. So, I wanted to make sure that we still participated within the fall real. I love sunflowers because there so bright and cheery. Here are a few pictures from the day. We had a great turnout from 9 am to 3 pm.

Sunflower centerpieces
Six tables sisters could eat whenever they wanted to throughout the day
Dessert Table
So sad we had a broken fountain for the white chocolate
Soups for Souper Saturday
Each craft had its own sign

Date Night in a Jar

I am in charge of a craft for our super Saturday in November for Relief Society. The craft I am making is a date night jar. I did not want to look kindergarten like, so I tried to make it more modern so sisters could actually post the jar in there home then maybe just put away in a cabinet. I was hoping by seeing the jar often it would promote weekly dates with their significant others. Hopefully, it will work.

Here is a list of items:
  • Tongue Depressors
  • Mason Jar with Lid
  • Chalk Board Spray Paint
  • Three different colored tape
  • Colored Chalk
  • Twine (jute)
  • Fine Flelt Tip Marker
  • Lid Covers

50 depressors per jar
3 different color tape for 2 different categories
No Money/Home
Less Money/Less Planning

More Money/Planning
Write with fine felt tip marker dates per colored category
Tape and pain

Remove tape

Write with chalk
Lid date guide
Place sticks in jar
Tie jute around the jar