Sunday, January 6, 2013

Yearly Analysis of Goals

Drum roll please, after a year of taking care of my Father, and Mother after her accident and working, I was able to accomplish tons. Again, miracles from God. I am so grateful that I was able to start this quest before I knew about about my Father's terminal cancer. Having a list of to do's helped keep my head on straight and grounded. Even though I was close to home bond many times, I was still able to achieve my goals. So thank you again Heavenly Father for helping complete so many of my goals.

My new blog for 2013 is called Love like Christ: This blog will follow my adventures on becoming closer to Christ while empowering Christ's Love at all times.

#1. Learn the Cello:

No it did not happen, but I was able to break out my flute which I had not played since 2009 and my sister and I were able to a trio to Abide with Me for my Dad's. It could not have been more beautiful. Julie singing, Lilian on the piano and I at the flute. So grateful that I was able to compartmentalize and play a beautiful piece dedicated to my Father. I love you Dad.

#2. Run 40min straight:

This summer I was able to run but this fall I could not leave the house. I will have to say I was at 19 minutes. I was half way with my goal. This year strictly marathon time. I start training in three weeks. I am so excited.

#3. Three meatless meals a week:

Yes, this was pretty easy. Currently staying with my sister for a month to take a break. She is a vegan so its been super easy to stay away from meat.

#4. Nassau Island Vacation at the Atlantis:

Nope still on the bucket list

#5. Three new temples (KC):

I got to revisit Orlando Temple (with my Dad)
I was able to see the Kirkland Temple (with my Dad)
I was able to go to the Kansas City

Going to have to say check even though Orlando was not new. It was new for my Dad and I got to experience that with him.

#6. Ski:

The trip is booked were staying in the Lodge and Spa at Cordillera. Can't wait will post pictures when I get back.

#7. Stay in lodge:

The trip is booked February 3-7. Flippin excited were celebrating my nieces 6th birthday with snow.

Magical Looking
Definitely will be there

Yes will be enjoying that fireplace

I don't think I need to say more, just look. I am so excited!!!

#8. Get movies back/Cd's add to I POD:

Check all added, ready to listen to my running tracks

#9. Get a new car:

Nope, its got to come this year

#10. Get a great job that I am happy with:

Very grateful to be working for my mom right now, this has aloud me to stay at home to take care of my dad.Still working for her and grateful to have it.

#11. Make gluten free pizza:

Yes, I made it several times this year.

#12. Read 36 books:

No I did not get 36, but I did read a lot of the 36. Very happy since reading is not my first love. I have loved reading the books I choose this year. What a great way to learn.

#13. Try new recipes (36) that I can eat (dairy free, gluten free, thiol free):

Yes, I met this. I love to bake. My mother told me a should go to Paris and take Gluten free pastry classes. How fun would that be!!!

#14. One puzzle a month:

Pretty close to one puzzle a month. I feel I completed it.

#15. Learn to french braid my own hair:

I did get a book but then I returned to the library before I could practice. Still need to work on.

#16. Read the BOM/ Institute Manuel:

Currently in the middle of the book.

#17. Preach My Gospel:

Currently in the middle of finishing it

#18. Take yoga classes/Take dance class with girls/ :

Nope could never get to the gym this fall for yoga but I was able to take a rumba class.

#19. Do at least 36 hours of service:

I can't even count my hours, I did above and beyond that number

#20. Do something fun with a friend each month:

I pretty much, completed this one. Even though it was hard to get away at times, I was able to leave at least once a month.

#21. Laugh More:

This year was great and serious. This new year must laugh more.

#22. Exercise four days a week:
When I could leave the house I was able to achieve this. Glad now that I will be able to go back to the gym and get back in the swing of things.

#23. Do genealogy:

Did a lot of genealogy  was even able to visit family grave sites and was able to do the work with my Dad before he passed. Can't get better than that.

#24. Walk on the beach:

Yes, my little sister got married on cocoa beach, FL in June. It was a beautiful ceremony and God gave us a moment of no rain.
#25. Temple attendance monthly:

I have been able to attend twice a month most months.

#26. Gratitude journal 1000 Entries:

Currently on 1394.
-1387 - being spiritual fed at a church conference
-1388 - that we have talents and that we should not procrastinate but let them shine
-1389 - Mango juice
-1390 - Cell phones that work
-1391 - Reconnecting with old friends and dates
-1392 - Reading scriptures at night with Julie
-1393 - Julie's smoothies
-1394- Practicing the rumba

#27. Attend cultural events every month:

Maybe half of the year I was able too. In December my sister took me to see my favorite Christmas show the Trans-Siberian Orchestra for my birthday. Oh I wish I had not left me phone in my car. We were 20 seats away from the stage. Literally right there on the left side. The fire was so hot. What an amazing show, even my niece loved it. Especially when they had the stage move across the audience and they were right on top of us. Thank you Jen, Daniel, and Sosh!!!

Literally the stage looked like this
Name of Album They Played

#28. Learn to sing Alto:Change to Journal Writing:

Not yet learned but I am changing the goal to journal writing. Having this blog has been a blessing it has been my first journal I have stuck with for almost a year now.

#29. Learn to play tennis:

Nope not at all

#30. Swim Laps:

Yep as much as I could get in.

#31. Women's conf in May in Utah/Study my patriarchal blessing:

All researched but the last part. I feel I have been able to learn tons by studying it in detail

#32. Attend General Conf:

Nope hoping this coming year.

#33. Improve my drawing ability (portraits)

Haven't even touched that one yet.

#34. Read scriptures/pray daily:

Pretty much got this in. Really happy about that.

#35. See my Sasha my niece at least four times during the year:

So so so happy I live close. She is my angel and she helps me to remember to be childlike. Just as Christ wants us to be. I love you Sasha Bear!!!


#36. Get waffle maker:

Yes, my father gave his Belgian waffle maker to me. It the maker even means more now that he has passed

Wow a busy year. I feel great, I feel peace, I feel like I continually tried my best. I believe I would say a job well done. Can't wait to get started next year.

1 comment:

  1. What a great year you've had. Sounds like you've been focused on the most important things. Hope you're 2013 is full of blessings!
