Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cleaning the temple chandeliers

What an amazing day! I have always wished I was in a temple ward. A temple ward is a ward that is assigned to the nearest temple. This ward gets to help make sure the temple has all the details that is needed to complete the daily functions of the temple when it is first opened. For instance, hanging and stringing the temple chandeliers in the sealing, celestial and bride room; knit sweaters and shawls; and organize all materials needed when the temple first opens.

The Houston temple is a special temple to me due to the fact this is the temple where I took out my first endowment and when the open house took place I was stationed in the celestial room. That was such a great experience to open the double doors as visitors were able to see the remarkable chandeliers and beautiful angelic room. It was such an ah moment

So, I was not able to able to string or hang the Houston temple's chandeliers when it first opened but I was able to come close. I had the opportunity this last Friday to be able to clean the sconces and string crystals on the chandelier in the bridal room. What an awesome opportunity to take literally each crystal off one by one and clean the dust off. We were reminded crystal cleaning is just like the atonement. We gain dust and must continually repent to wash away the filth, we gather on a daily basis. Once cleaned, we can then sparkle before the Lord. WOW!!! What a wonderful experience. We were also reminded, the chandeliers are like the light of Christ and it is our job to make sure the light of Christ illuminates within and around us.

I will be forever grateful for this wonderful experience my Father in Heaven gave me. I am so grateful God placed me at a point in my life where I could have this moment!

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