Thursday, September 6, 2012

Rilke's Predictions...A MUST

As, I was reading the book Gifts by the Sea, I came across a passage, I would like to share. There was a German poet fifty years ago, Rilke who foresaw a great change in the relationship between men and women that would no longer follow the traditional patterns of submission or dominance or possession and competition. He described the relationship as a "state of space and freedom for growth, in which each partner would be the means of releasing the other. 'A relation,' that is meant to be of one human being to another,... And with this more human love (that will fulfill itself, infinitely considerate and gentle, and good and clear in binding and releasing) will resemble that which we are with struggle and endeavor preparing, the love that consists in this, that two solitudes protect and touch and greet each other."

I love how he described this new phenomenon. This is what I am looking for! To many times I see and hear the opposite sex say, "I love to compete in relationships" Who wants to run in front or behind your spouse or significant other. How can this couple truly help each other grow?  I love how he talks about gentle and good in growth. I am a person who will grow much more when being empowered then pushed/forced into doing something, I may not be ready for. What a great reminder to find that ONE, who wants to walk beside you to help push the fog (distractions) away from the path that leads us back to our Father in heaven.

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