Monday, July 30, 2012

Jesus really loves children

Today, was a great day!  I was able to see my beautiful, smart, sweet and loving niece and give her tons of kisses. I do not get to see her that much now that my little sister got married two months ago.

It is funny how you get so attached, I have definitely learned how satisfying one becomes when nurturing and caring for children. I have been very blessed to have a calling at church as a counselor in Primary and then having the opportunity to help care for my niece the last seven months. How lucky are we that God has trusted us with his greatest and most precious gift.

I read a book in cracker barrel (one of my favorite restaurants, especially when I travel)a few years back,  called "Heaven is for Real".  The book is about a boy named, Colton who becomes deathly sick and has the opportunity to see things beyond the veil. The book is about images that he remembers during his journey his earth family and his family on the other side. One point in particular that has really stood our for me is how he stresses, the simple message that heaven is a real place,  and my favorite that "Jesus really loves children." Throughout several chapters, Colton reminds us that Jesus loves children. I think the message is simple but very profound. We all need to stop, and enjoy his wonderful children all around us.

Child Like Forgiveness: my goal
I would like to share a story about my niece Sasha, and how we can learn so much from these innocent spirits. She taught me a huge lesson earlier this year about love and forgiveness. There was coral between her and a family member I was mad at the family member for having a coral with her and she was upset too. After about five minutes (during this time I was saying not nice things about the family member in my head), she hugged the family member and said "I love." Lucky, I still had my sunglasses on so no tears could be seen. All I could think about was how amazed at the love and Christlike qualities she possessed and how I let the adversary win. From that moment on, I decided to forgive quickly and try to love as a child would illuminate.

Friday, July 27, 2012

...every day you put off your life makes you less capable of living it.

"Happiness takes as much patience as unhappiness does. It's by living that you live more. By waiting you wait more. Every waiting day makes your life a little less. Every lonely day makes you a little smaller. Every day you put off your life makes you less capable of living it." (Sisterhood Everlasting, p277)

When I read this passage the other day, I took a moment to ponder its profound meaning. Yes, we know happiness is a choice, and we also know that it is something that we must truly seek out. Even our prophet has advised us to find, "joy in our journey."

As, I reflect on my ow life. I realize the times I had the most happiness was when I surrounded myself with positive uplifting people and I made a decision to make the best of my situation at hand. So how can I improve my outlook now, that is the question, I keep thinking to myself.

I don't think my life is bad. I am really grateful to be where I am at. I would not change it. I even left for a weekend and new home right now is in Houston. So then what, maybe I just need to surround myself with people that uplift me more often. So, my new goal is to make opportunities and have plans in place to be able to visit and enjoy those few moments I get with those who cross my path in a positive way.

I will try to come back to see how well I am fairing because there's nothing better then getting your check mark from God because he knows you did all you could with what he gave you, right before he takes you to another step in life to tackle.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Last Minute Wedding Preperations

Everyone decided, that since we had the opportunity to go to Florida for one of dad's bucket list, Jen and Daniel would get married on the beach there. This allowed dad one last walk down the aisle. It was a special day, Tuesday June 21, 2012. The day was filled with huge out pours of rain, the bride was on pins and needles the whole day. My mother even started to question the day. My sister Julie and I, knew the trip went together to well for God to let a little things like rain ruin the day.

Before the wedding could take place, a few last minute preparations had to take place.

Three hours before the count down to the wedding.

The final result. One of my many accomplishments this year.
I started with just fabric three hours before the ceremony
First time ever I made barefoot jewelry (bride). I do not have pics of the bridemaids anklets.

I did all the girl's hair in the wedding party.

Another Hair due.

As, the ceremony time came around, all hair, flowers, jewelry, and dresses were ready to take a walk on the beach. God even let out a bit of sunshine during the ceremony.

Nothing like a bit of craziness before the sun shines.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Good Bye Soul Mate

Why are goodbyes so hard? Why must we meet people, cross paths and then move on? I feel at times it would be easier to just keep them close. But then, would I gain as must insight or take for granted what that the lesson was that I was suppose to learn during our interaction/s.

I know my Heavenly Father loves me dearly, but sometimes its just hard to listen and act upon his requests. I know the other end of the spectrum, if I do not listen and follow his words, the heartache in the end will be much worse then just the let go and say goodbye.

So with that, I must let go and say goodbye. I will pray for my special friend, who helped me grow in my independence and showed me I am capable of tons. Even though the path was hard at times, I gained so much more from the bigger picture that was all around me.

I was re-watching a great movie, and even better book, "Eat, Pray, and Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert.

When I herd this quote, I had to update my blog post because it was a perfect fit for my special friend, or do I say soul mate?

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.

A true soul mate is probably the most important person you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. But to live with a soul mate forever? Nah. Too painful. Soul mates, they come into your life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then leave.

A soul mates purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show you your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master...”

Like the quote says, living with a soul mate can be to painful but the rewards from living with your soul mate for a moment defiantly out weight the pain for maybe a life time. And yes, your soul mate does introduce you to your spiritual master. Because your spiritual master is the only one that can help bring you to your higher self.

Cheers to you my soul mate, thank for crossing my path. May you be blessed with all the love and light, a person can have.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

List Status Cont.

#16. Read the BOM/ Institute Manuel:
I actually am going to the church bookstore to buy the book verse by verse vol 1. Nephi thru Alma today. I have been waiting for it to be on sale. I am hoping to gain a more information by studying each verse.

#17. Preach My Gospel:
Still on the list to read it

#18. Take yoga classes:
Still on the list

*#19. Do at least 36 hours of service:
I have defiantly met this and will continue to especially with my calling and just daily interactions.

*#20. Do something fun with a friend each month:
I am grateful for my dear friend from High school and our relationship that we have maintained thru the years.

*#21. Laugh More:
I was lucky enough to have two dear friends come into town the same time I was in branson. I haven't laughed that much in a long time. Thanks Ladies.

*#22. Exercise four days a week:
Yes, currently working out three to six days a week. I jog, swim, do weights, or the elliptical.

#23. Take dance class with girls/ Do genealogy:
I have not gotten to this yet. I don't feel like is something in the cards for me this year. So I have changed it to do genealogy, especially one of my dear family members.

*#24. Walk on the beach:
Yes, my little sister got married on cocoa beach, FL in June. It was a beautiful ceremony and God gave us a moment of no rain.

*#25. Temple attendance monthly:
I have been able to attend twice a month most months. I was able to revisit the Orlando Temple in June.

*#26. Gratitude journal:
I have to say i am on #659. Again, grateful for Melissa and her beginning quest of 1000 things to be grateful for.

*#27. Attend cultural events every month:
Trying to at least. My father, Julie and I were able to attend the firefly festival in Betonville, Ark last weekend.

#28. Learn to sing Alto:
Not yet

#29. Learn to play tennis:
Not yet

*#30. Swim Laps:
I try to do this at least three times a week. I love when the subdivision pool is open for the summer.

#31. Women's conf in May in Utah/Study my patriarchal blessing:
When I wrote these goals I had no idea of what was about to come. So I am changing this goal for ext year and I putting in place to thoroughly study my patriarchal blessing. Later I will add to this to explain how I am doing this.

#32. Attend General Conf:
The jury is still out for that one in Oct. Let us hope.

#33. Improve my drawing ability (portraits)
Haven't even touched that one yet.

*#34. Read scriptures/pray daily:
A work in progress

*#35. See my Sasha my niece at least four times during the year:
I have the opportunity to spend almost six moth with her on a daily basis. I am so grateful for the time that I had. I learned so much from her. If we could all just love and forgive easily as a child does.

*#36. Get waffle maker:
Yes, my father gave his Belgian waffle maker to me. Since then I have made yummy gluten free waffles.

Monday, July 23, 2012

List Status

* = completed

#1. Learn the Cello:
At this time I have not started lessons. I found two people that do teach lessons. 

#2. Run 40min straight:
I have finally started jogging the last month. I can jog now at 4.2 for nineteen minutes with six minutes of interval fast walking. Getting closer.

#3. Three meatless meals a week:
Actually meeting this goal completely. I usually do sweet potatoes, cream of rice, new rice protein drink, and gluten free pizza. Very happy that I am starting this. I still need to get mochi and learn to cook with it.

#4. Nassau Island Vacation at the Atlantis:
Hmmmm still waiting. To busy though taking care of dad and now mom since she has been in a car accident.

#5. Three new temples (KC)
So sad, I have not yet, but I have revisited the Orlando temple this year. Still waiting to accomplish this goal. Just hard to travel right now with my responsibilities at home.

#6. Ski:
Again, I have not been able to travel much.

#7. Stay in lodge:
Still waiting...

#8. Get movies back/Cd's add to I POD:
Well I did get my Cd's back, now I just have to add them to my I POD.

#9. Get a new car:
Working on that one as we speak

(*)#10. Get a great job that I am happy with:
Very grateful to be working for my mom right now, this has aloud me to stay at home to take care of my dad.

(*)#11. Make gluten free pizza:
Not only have I found a good gluten free pizza but I have also found a restaurant that make a great gluten free pizza with no meat.

#12. Read 36 books:
Working on that one. See list.

#13. Try new recipes (36) that I can eat (dairy free, gluten free, thiol free):
    1. Gluten free pizza
    2. Cream of rice
    3. Gluten free pound cake with strawberry rubar sauce
    4. Gluten free Italian cream cake
    5. Gluten free, raspberry bavarian cream cake

    6. Gluten free cobbler
    7. Gluten free peacon coffee cake
    8. Gluten free pecan muffins
    9. Gluten free blueberry muffins
   10. Gluten free white chocolate cookies
   11. Gluten free pecan waffles
   12. Gluten free pumpkin orange glazed cookies

 13. Gluten free sour cream coffee cake with orange glaze

 #14. One puzzle a month:
I am a little behind I have done four.

#15. Learn to french braid my own hair:
I did get a book but then I returned to the library before I could practice. Still need to work on.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Keeping Focused

Today, is the first day of many posts from my new and first time ever blog. I have to admit that I found this idea from a dear Sister who was a great example to me when I was in the Asheville Stake in North Carolina. She started a blog to help her organize and stay focused on fifty goals she set for the year. You can find her blog here. With that in mind, I would like to do the same except instead of fifty, I will embark on 36.

I figure the best way to start is to list my goals. They are in no particular order.

1. Start learning the cello
2. Jog 40min. straight
3. Three meatless meals a week (mochi)
4. Nassau Island vacation at the Atlantis
5. Visit three new temples (kc)
6. Learn to ski
7. Stay in a Lodge
8. Get a new car
9. Get movies/Cd's back add to my I POD
10. Get a great job that I am happy with
11. Make gluten free pizza
12. Read more books (36)
13. Try 36 new recipes
14. Do 1 puzzle a month
15. Learn to french braid my own hair
16. Read the BOM/ with institute manual
17. Read preach my gospel from beginning to end
18. Go to yoga class
19. Do 36 hours of service
20. Do something fun with a friend each month
21. Laugh More
22. Exercise four days a week
23. Take a dance class
24. Walk on the beach
25. Temple attendance monthly
26. Write in gratitude journal at least 1,000 entries
27. Attend cultural events each month
28. Learn to sing alto
29. Get back on a horse
30. Swim laps
31. Attend women's conf in may
32. Attend general conference
33. Improve on drawing portraits
34. Read scriptures daily/ pray
35. See my niece at least four times a year
36. Get a waffle maker

After typing them all up, I am so excited to be able to check things off my list. It's a funny things...I have not looked at my list in a few months and its fun to see things that I am doing on it unconsciously. I will break down each one and give an update of where I am in terms of completion success within the next few posts.

For my first post, I feel like I am accomplishing!!!