Monday, July 23, 2012

List Status

* = completed

#1. Learn the Cello:
At this time I have not started lessons. I found two people that do teach lessons. 

#2. Run 40min straight:
I have finally started jogging the last month. I can jog now at 4.2 for nineteen minutes with six minutes of interval fast walking. Getting closer.

#3. Three meatless meals a week:
Actually meeting this goal completely. I usually do sweet potatoes, cream of rice, new rice protein drink, and gluten free pizza. Very happy that I am starting this. I still need to get mochi and learn to cook with it.

#4. Nassau Island Vacation at the Atlantis:
Hmmmm still waiting. To busy though taking care of dad and now mom since she has been in a car accident.

#5. Three new temples (KC)
So sad, I have not yet, but I have revisited the Orlando temple this year. Still waiting to accomplish this goal. Just hard to travel right now with my responsibilities at home.

#6. Ski:
Again, I have not been able to travel much.

#7. Stay in lodge:
Still waiting...

#8. Get movies back/Cd's add to I POD:
Well I did get my Cd's back, now I just have to add them to my I POD.

#9. Get a new car:
Working on that one as we speak

(*)#10. Get a great job that I am happy with:
Very grateful to be working for my mom right now, this has aloud me to stay at home to take care of my dad.

(*)#11. Make gluten free pizza:
Not only have I found a good gluten free pizza but I have also found a restaurant that make a great gluten free pizza with no meat.

#12. Read 36 books:
Working on that one. See list.

#13. Try new recipes (36) that I can eat (dairy free, gluten free, thiol free):
    1. Gluten free pizza
    2. Cream of rice
    3. Gluten free pound cake with strawberry rubar sauce
    4. Gluten free Italian cream cake
    5. Gluten free, raspberry bavarian cream cake

    6. Gluten free cobbler
    7. Gluten free peacon coffee cake
    8. Gluten free pecan muffins
    9. Gluten free blueberry muffins
   10. Gluten free white chocolate cookies
   11. Gluten free pecan waffles
   12. Gluten free pumpkin orange glazed cookies

 13. Gluten free sour cream coffee cake with orange glaze

 #14. One puzzle a month:
I am a little behind I have done four.

#15. Learn to french braid my own hair:
I did get a book but then I returned to the library before I could practice. Still need to work on.


  1. Hi Cassandra! So glad to see you here and look at you with all those goals! How awesome. Good luck and I'll be watching to see how you progress. I miss seeing you in Brevard. Hope life is great in Texas.

    1. Thanks Melissa for the message and the support. I miss Brevard too. Life is busy and am truly blessed to spend time with my dad. I am so glad you still have your blog, since I do not get to feel your wonderful spirit in person at least I get to feel it through your words and thoughts. Your an amazing woman and a wonderful example and I am very grateful that our paths were able to cross. I hope one day that they do again.
