Tuesday, July 24, 2012

List Status Cont.

#16. Read the BOM/ Institute Manuel:
I actually am going to the church bookstore to buy the book verse by verse vol 1. Nephi thru Alma today. I have been waiting for it to be on sale. I am hoping to gain a more information by studying each verse.

#17. Preach My Gospel:
Still on the list to read it

#18. Take yoga classes:
Still on the list

*#19. Do at least 36 hours of service:
I have defiantly met this and will continue to especially with my calling and just daily interactions.

*#20. Do something fun with a friend each month:
I am grateful for my dear friend from High school and our relationship that we have maintained thru the years.

*#21. Laugh More:
I was lucky enough to have two dear friends come into town the same time I was in branson. I haven't laughed that much in a long time. Thanks Ladies.

*#22. Exercise four days a week:
Yes, currently working out three to six days a week. I jog, swim, do weights, or the elliptical.

#23. Take dance class with girls/ Do genealogy:
I have not gotten to this yet. I don't feel like is something in the cards for me this year. So I have changed it to do genealogy, especially one of my dear family members.

*#24. Walk on the beach:
Yes, my little sister got married on cocoa beach, FL in June. It was a beautiful ceremony and God gave us a moment of no rain.

*#25. Temple attendance monthly:
I have been able to attend twice a month most months. I was able to revisit the Orlando Temple in June.

*#26. Gratitude journal:
I have to say i am on #659. Again, grateful for Melissa and her beginning quest of 1000 things to be grateful for.

*#27. Attend cultural events every month:
Trying to at least. My father, Julie and I were able to attend the firefly festival in Betonville, Ark last weekend.

#28. Learn to sing Alto:
Not yet

#29. Learn to play tennis:
Not yet

*#30. Swim Laps:
I try to do this at least three times a week. I love when the subdivision pool is open for the summer.

#31. Women's conf in May in Utah/Study my patriarchal blessing:
When I wrote these goals I had no idea of what was about to come. So I am changing this goal for ext year and I putting in place to thoroughly study my patriarchal blessing. Later I will add to this to explain how I am doing this.

#32. Attend General Conf:
The jury is still out for that one in Oct. Let us hope.

#33. Improve my drawing ability (portraits)
Haven't even touched that one yet.

*#34. Read scriptures/pray daily:
A work in progress

*#35. See my Sasha my niece at least four times during the year:
I have the opportunity to spend almost six moth with her on a daily basis. I am so grateful for the time that I had. I learned so much from her. If we could all just love and forgive easily as a child does.

*#36. Get waffle maker:
Yes, my father gave his Belgian waffle maker to me. Since then I have made yummy gluten free waffles.

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