Goal #31 - Study my Patriarchal Blessing:
My sister told me about a great lesson she was taught about how to study your patriarchal blessing in depth. So I went ahead and made folders for the sisters I visit teach, my family and myself, so we could embark on this journey together. I have attached pictures on how I made the folders.
I placed a label on my folder
In the folders I gave my sisters, I placed a pencil holder at the beginning filled with four different colors to color code with. I did not want my sisters to have to hunt for materials. |
I broke up the process so no one felt overwhelmed. |
The process:
Part I:
- Color coding
- Write out two categories-blessing, counsel, warning, and command/promise
Part II:
- Write out the other categories-warning, and command/promise
- Write out my goals
Part III and IV will come later this year.
I have copied and pasted part I and II format for you, I thought I could upload but I have not figured how to accomplish this yet.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to study my patriarchal blessing. I have learned more by doing this process than just by reading it to myself. I challenge anyone who has one to do so.
Your Patriarchal Blessing
Shared by Janice in Virginia
"Obtaining a Patriarchal Blessing may provide us with
some glimpses into the book of our life possibilities and give us some general
direction. Wisely, perhaps, such
a blessing is rarely specific enough to guide us in day-to-day decisions.
Instead, it paints with broad brushstrokes." (R. Britsc and T. Olson, Counseling: A Guide
to Helping Others.)
ü Using four different colored
markers, you will highlight the statements in your patriarchal blessing into
four categories: Blessings,
Counsels, Warnings, and Covenants/Promises.
ü When you have highlighted your
blessing with each of the four colors, you can make a list of the things that
are in your blessing in each category. (This list holds all the blessings that are promised to YOU.
This can make wonderful reading when you are feeling low).
ü You will have a page with blessings,
a page with counsel, a page with covenant/promises, and a page with any
warnings that are in your blessing. These four lists can be used to help you
set goals to be able to accomplish your special mission in this life.
President Kimball has given this
advice: "It is true of all of us that as we progress spiritually, our
sense of belonging, identity, and self-worth increases. Let us create a climate
in which we encourage sisters of the Church to have a program of self-
improvement. It ought to be a practical and realistic program, one that is
determined personally and not imposed upon them. Yet it ought to cause
them to reach for new levels of achievement. We are not asking for
something spectacular, but rather for our sisters to find real self-fulfillment
through wise self-development in the pursuit of righteous worthy
(Second Page)
are identified as gifts from Heavenly Father. They are not subject to any
future performance in that they are given to you as a child of God. As
long as your life is in harmony with the principles of the gospel, these
blessings will be given to you at the time the Lord dictates. They will read
similar to:
· Friends
and associates will be raised up unto thee in times of need.
· You'll be
privileged to experience and to enjoy the blessings of ________.
· You are to
be blessed with the gift of discernment..
(third page)
where counsel is being given will read:
Be faithful…
Be diligent…
Endeavor to...
Prove yourself...
Thou shalt...
Use this ability to...
( (forth page)
will generally be only a few or none in this category. The wording of these
lines should make them clear. The important thing is that when warnings are
given, they must be carefully
noted. Highlight any of these in a third color, and impress
them upon your own mind.
· Sister,
· Do
(fifth page)
Covenants /Promises:
statements can be identified as statements where a blessing is mentioned which
is connected with certain things you must do to receive
the blessing; some examples:
friends shall be a special blessing unto thee… in as much as thou shalt select
for thine close associates those who are righteous.
thou wilt give of thy time and talents in building up the Kingdom of God...thou
shalt gain a certain testimony that Jesus is the Christ
My Goals:
After praying for guidance read and ponder the page that contains counsel and warnings. Then read the
page of covenants/promises. Determine which areas you feel you can work
on at this time in your life. Prayerfully select a few, and then follow
the procedure for setting goals by writing down what you want to accomplish and
then your plan for doing so.