Sunday, October 7, 2012

the strength is in YOU

During my trip to Ohio, I had the opportunity to go to Kirtland and visit one of our historical church sites. What a magnificent trip. The spirit was rich and plenty during our visit. The tour to me started when we drove down this huge hill. I can not believe what the pioneers had to go through terrain wise. The landscape was breath taking, God even cleared the rain and let the sun shine. What a beautiful September evening.

Our first stop was the visitor center, here we met these two wonderful sisters who were so full of historical in site. They were so patient with my Father and I. By the end of the tour we had both of them to ourselves. The blessings I felt during this experience,  wow I am so much gratitude for my Father in heaven who let me have these experiences. We watched a 23 minute video of the Whitney's and how they prayed to meet the prophet, and then he appeared. The love and admiration I felt for our brothers and sisters was amazing. You know you always here stories about the pioneers and how grateful people are. Well today, it really sank in. I had always felt close to the Emma and Joseph stories but not to the rest of the 1600 pioneers that trekked from Ohio. I am so happy to be able to witness the love I have for all of  their sacrifices.

Our second spot was the Newel K.Whitney Store ( they made it to Utah)
Built in 1826, Whitney's general store was an in important gathering place within the community. The store provided rooms for the first bishop store house, home for Joseph and Emma Smith  and the revelation room, and president's room. I had the opportunity to sit where the prophet sat. Documentation states revelation for D&C 84-89, 101 came about in this house. In the prophet's room Joesph and was able to see God and Christ. Can you imagine? I find the more I learn about my Heavenly Father and my Brother the more I would love to witness them while I am on this earth.

Whitney Store
Whitney Store
Whitney Store
Whitney Store
First Bishop Warehouse
Bishop Warehouse

Smith's and Whitney's ate
President's Room (like the prophet's room in the temple)
We read these three testimony's inside this room 

Revelation Room
Bed Room

Bed Room

Our thirds spot the Newel K. Elizabeth Ann Whitney House
When Joseph and Emma Smith first arrived in Kirtland, Newel and Elisabeth opened their home to Emma. They even gave her their master bedroom because she was pregnant and had twins. The first healing  blessing was given in this home. A sister did not believe the brethren that he had the power of Christ to heal. They gave her a blessing and she was healed. She never questioned again. Revelation in D&C 41-44, 70, and 72 were given in this home. I thought this story was amazing. As soon as Elizabeth got her hands on the book of Mormon she wanted to be baptized and Newel ok'ed it even before he excepted the truth. This to me is amazing because back then women usually were not allowed to do certain things especially when the husband was not involved. What love he had for her! Another story I learned which resonates with my own trials. When Joseph asked Whitney to be the Bishop he said I can not lead these people, I am not qualified. Joseph with patience said those are the words from the Lord. Ask him yourself. Later Whitney received a message from the spirit, "the strength is in you." Always remember the strength is within you through Christ.

Eat in Kitchen in the Summer
Living Room
Living Room/Dinning in the Winter

Original Bible
Master Bedroom The Whitney's let the Smith's Use
Master Bedroom
First Healing Blessing was Given Here

Johnson Inn,
The first patriarchal blessing was given in this house.

Word of Wisdom Notes

Sawmill and Ashery-
The sawmill was built along a brook emptying into the chagrin river which provided lumber for the construction of the Kirtland Temple.

Potash was produced at the ashery and exported to eastern markets. Funds from this enterprise were used to help sustain the church. TheWhitney's were never as wealthy as they were in Kirtland. Just another sacrifice they made to help bring the church to fruition.

Room where they Carved wood for the temple

The school house
Children would learn these lessons. Community meeting and church meetings would take place here
Revelation D&C 107, 134 was given in this building here.

The Kirtland Temple
Construction began in 1833 and the temple was dedicated the 27th of March in 1836. Revelation in D&C 109-110, 112, and 137 was given here. My Mother told me a story about the temple because I was a little sad when I realized the temple was not run by our church (somewhere down the line I missed that information in our church history). I wanted to mark it off my list as visiting a new temple this year but when I found that it was not like the ones that we run in our church I was disappointed regretfully.  My Mom told me that she recalled a story about a man who talked about about the temple as not being a part of our church and how it is different then the 137 we have now. Later on, the man was reprimanded by God saying that even though another church owned it, technically it was still His house. I felt so bad that I had saw this temple in the wrong light. Being there truly opened my eyes, it is true even though it is owned by another church the spirit that resides there is awesome. I definitely learned my lesson.

Goal #5 - Visit a New Temple:

I really like this pic. It was so serine.

The sweet sisters who took my Father and I on our own tour:

1 comment:

  1. This is one church history site that I've always wanted to visit, but haven't made it there yet. Loved your pictures and meeting your dad through your blog. What a wonderful experience to have with your dad.
